How to Create a Great Slide Show

Slide shows are a new and increasingly popular means of sharing valuable content. Many experts predict that may be one of the biggest content sharing sites to grow in 2014. However, if you’ve created slide shows in the past or viewed slide shows then you know that they’re not all created equally. Some slide shows are more interesting than others. The following tips can help ensure yours are more interesting than your competitions.

1. Plan it first. Before you sit down with PowerPoint or your slide show software decide what you’re going to say and how you’re going to say it. What’s the goal of your slide show? What information are you providing to your audience and why? What value does it offer and why will they care? Answer these questions on paper first.

2. Visuals are important. Many slide shows are visually dull. They’re simply a series of sentences. In general, your slide content word count should be no more than 50-60 words and that’s pushing it. You want people to be able to read and understand your text quickly. That word count leaves an abundance of room for visual interest.

You can add photographs, charts, formatting, and even embed short video into the body of a slide. As you’re planning the content in your slide show, also document how you want to add visual interest. Keep in mind that any graphics or formatting need to support your goal not distract from it.

3. Arch your content. When you read an article or blog post it has an introduction which is usually a paragraph or two. It then moves into the body of the content. The goal of the body is to provide the bulk of the information and value. You then pull it all together into a conclusion which may also be one or two paragraphs. The same is true for your slideshow. It should have an introduction where you pique interest and promise value. It should then move into the body of your content and then wrap it all up with a few conclusion slides.

4. Call to action. Be sure to include a call to action at the end of your slide show. Let people know what they can do next to get more information and extend their relationship with you and your company.

5. Embedded links. In addition to your call to action which should include a link to your site or to a sales page, also consider embedding links throughout your slide show. For example, if you reference a blog post on your site then you might link to that blog post. Make sure it opens in a new window so your visitors can continue enjoying the slide show.

Slide shows are a fun and interesting way to provide content in a new format and reach a different audience. They’re easy to create and with a little planning and preparation you can create a compelling slide show that achieves your goals.

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