Confidence to Never Give Up

I know how discouraging it can be not to get any response on your website. You know what I mean. You set up the mailing sign up area. You have your nice give away that’s designed to inspire curiosity and a sign up to the mailing list. You write you blog posts and you really believe in what you do

But nothing happens.

Been there, done that.  Well, here are some confidence building tips to keep you going to your goal.

  1. Start with the obvious – have the confidence to never give up. I get as ticked hearing this over and over as you; but come on, we both know it’s true.  Wasn’t it Woody Allen who said “90% of success is just showing up?” When you think about it, that makes so much sense. You can’t get sales, you can’t find client’s, you won’t even get sign up if you don’t show up first. It takes confidence in your product and in your to keep going when nothing seems to be happening. Remember, people have to know about you, find you and gain interest in you. Especially if you are new in the game or pushing a new product. So #1, have the confidence to keep going. Keep posting, keep showing upkeep moving ahead.
  2. I was at a party and one conversation was about the book “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance”, by Angela Duckworth. A lot of authors talk about perseverance, but this one seems to be catching on.  The concept isn’t rocket science, it simply needs to instill motivation in you. Motivation and back to good old confidence that what doing is right for you, helpful to others, and something you can be proud to market.  The cool thing about this book is that is doesn’t focus on talent as the catalyst for success. thinking you have to “know” something of do something better than anyone else is a confidence breaker. Instead, Duckworth focuses on having the “grit” better stated as passion and perseverance to keep moving ahead. That’s something you can  develop as you remain highly confident in what you’re doing.  It goes back to never giving up; just keep moving forward. 
  3. The third point brings this all home; make your passion known. Read about it, write about it, talk about it, study it. Become the obvious expert in the topic of your choice that you want to make money for you and be the identify of your business and profession, online or offline. Some scientists have stated that it take up to 10,000 for a person to become an expert in their field. Others say, read 10 books on your topic and you’re more expert than 90% of other people. Whichever way you develop your expertise, is up to you. The point is to be passionate about what you do so you can do it with confidence. It you can’t sustain your interest for a long period of time you might not be in the topic that’s right for you.  When you are, it will be more fun than pain to become a confident business professional in your topic.

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